
February 26, 2020 1 min read

STAQ Performance Blog


Dopamine Supplements: Boost Your Dopamine With Nootropics
Dopamine plays many important roles in our body. While our body can obviously help us sustain normal dopamine levels, our...
Euphoric Supplements: Boost Your Mood With These Nootropics
If you ever experienced euphoria, you know how powerful it is. Some say it is like a strong drug, others...
Best Nootropics For Studying - Our Top Recommendations
Nootropics are used for various purposes, and one of the most current studies is studying. We are facing a highly...
Best Nootropics For Motivation: Our Top List
Motivation is the driving force of our behavior and actions. It leads us to make changes in our lives even...
Best Nootropics For Brain Fog: Our Top 4 Recommendations
When thinking about completing everyday chores, going to work, being present to all meetings, exercise, going grocery shopping, tidying the...
Best Nootropics For ADHD: Our Top List
Thousands of people have been diagnosed and treated for ADD (Attention deficit disorder) or ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) in...